Sunday, December 8, 2019

School Fees

Hello family and friends, we pray that you are doing well in the Lord. We and Grace family are doing well in Lord in Kenya and also the ministry in general. God has done a lot and answered prayers. We continue to strive to raise a generation of orphaned and needy children who will grow up to reach their God-given potential as well as partnering with first-world citizens to help us in service at home and abroad.
             We have an emergency financial burden that we wanted to share with you. We kindly request your support as God leads. The children start another school year on January 6th and school fees are needed to be paid on or before January 6th. It is about $650 yearly per teenager for boarding high school and about $200 per teenager to get started in high school- uniform, bedding, utensils, books, etc. School fees are also needed for colleges and trade schools.  We have 8 children in high school, one in college, 2 will possibly join college or trade school. Our Christmas gift is schools. 
             We are also in need of additional chairs for the church. Our Grace Family Fellowship grew and we are running out chairs during church services. We have also been having a big turnout during our revival and overnight fellowship. We had over 500 people during this past week's overnight revival fellowship. It cost $10 per chair and we need to purchase about 400 chairs and 100 children's chairs. Yes, so many financial needs but we know God will provide, as He always does.  We thank you for how you rise up to help and give as God leads you. 
            We continue to have various mission trips to unreached communities. We just had a team from Roanoke, Virginia who assisted in the medical outreach program, the building of the community bridge and various educational programs. We are expecting another team from the world race by January 4th
            Please keep us in your prayers as the group leaders meet to first work through our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. God has also given me regular preaching opportunities in various churches, hosting crusades, overnight prayer gatherings, and many opportunities to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s partner together for this work God has given us. Please join us! You can send a check to: GOGCP- David and Laurel Cheromei, 191 Rocky Hollow Rd. Atkins, VA 24311 or use this link to support us as God leads go to general and in the memo: “ school fees”, “chairs” or "Bees in Kenya". 

“Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart” 
2 Corinthians 4:1. 

God bless. 
Missionaries, David and Laurel Cheromei

Monday, October 14, 2019

In HIs Time

Good evening to our dear family and friends, 
We are sorry that we haven’t sent out an e-mail since we arrived in Kenya, about 3 months ago. We have been busy since our arrival. God has done a lot and answered prayers. Here are some updates but you can read more and find pictures on our blog: 
·      We had a successful Purpose Driven pastors and church leaders training led by Deogracius Ngwira, Godwin Ndichaye, and David Cheromei. God sent 4 wonderful women- Donna Johnson, Tammy Ammen, Carol Bayne and Lauren Hubbard from Virginia and South Carolina to help with the conference and Vacation Bible School-Bibleman edition. Also, a team of 14 from World Race-Adventure in Missions were here to help. A lot of energy and people were needed to keep everything running smoothly for God’s conference. 135 pastors and church leaders attended the conference at our property. We had over 300 people from the community attend our evening fellowship/revival and about 20 souls were saved by Jesus every evening! Thank you for all your prayers and support. We are honored to serve here in Kenya and your partnership is very important and essential to our work as missionaries to Kenya. Check out more photos on our blog:
·      Here is the YouTube video of the conference and mission trips: ( 1 hr), (30min), ( 10min)
·      God showed us the urgency of our move after a week of being in Kenya. We got a call from Christine’s high school that she was pregnant and due any day. No one had told us when we were living in America that Christine was pregnant. The staff hid it from us and never mentioned a word when we would talk with them on the phone.… Read more on our blog:
·      We are still in need of financial support and prayers as we continue to serve the people in Kenya for the glory of God. Please join us! You can send a check to: GOGCP- David and Laurel Cheromei, 191 Rocky Hollow Rd. Atkins, VA 24311 or use this link to support us as God leads go to general and in the memo: "Bees in Kenya". “Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart” 2 Corinthians 4:1.
·      Victor Kirwa and Timothy are going to start high school in January and we are in need of your financial help! It is about $650 yearly per teenager for boarding high school and about $200 per teenager to get started in high school- uniform, bedding, utensils, books, etc. Sharon and Christine are finishing up their senior year of high school mid-November and are praying about going to a university, like Hillary. Ian Kipyego- Junior in high school and Allan Kipchumba- Grade 4 are in need of monthly sponsors. Yes, so many financial needs and we are trying our best to generate income here by opening up a small grocery/school supply shop- “Shop @ Grace” and growing vegetables in the garden to sell but we are still in need of your financial help and prayers to make ends meet. We thank you for how you rise up to help and give as God leads you. 
·      We continue to have various mission trips to unreached communities. Check out the blog for photos for some of our trips:
·      God laid it on my heart (David) to start a Celebrate Recovery group in the Eldoret, please keep us in your prayers as the group leaders meet to first work through our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. God has also given me regular preaching opportunities in various churches, hosting crusades, overnight prayer gatherings, and many opportunities to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Let’s partner together for this work God has given us. Missionaries, David and Laurel Cheromei

Friday, September 27, 2019


It was this unexplainable feeling that we had to get back to Kenya. Every time I wanted to fight God and say we haven’t been in America that long but He kept directing me to His mysterious plans. I wanted to run from His purpose for our lives- just like Jonah. I questioned God a lot! I felt like it would be too hard to go back to Grace Family because there is always so much work to do when we arrive and in the past have endured so many disappointments and a lot of corruption. It seemed impossible and I had a hard heart towards God’s plan. We had so many family and friends asking why we were moving back to Kenya after only 15 months in America. We couldn’t explain the urgency to anyone but we knew God had laid it on our hearts and we were not going to run from His plans.

God showed us the urgency of our move after a week of being in Kenya. We got a call from Christine’s high school that she was pregnant and due any day. The first reaction David had after the call on his phone was to gather prayer warriors together to pray for Christine and her baby. It was a shock to us all but we had a peace that surpassed understanding. No one had told us when we were living in America that Christine was pregnant. The staff hid it from us and never mentioned a word when we would talk with them on the phone. Our staff did not even tell us upon arrival and we found out later they all knew about it. Needless to say, after much prayer and weeks of seeking, we replaced all of those staff people.

A few days after the call from the high school Christine arrived home for August break. We warmly welcomed her home. Christine later told us that some of our staff were telling her to find a different place to live because David and I would never welcome her back home because she was pregnant. They made fun of her, shamed her and tried to drive her away. Thankfully, Christine is persistent and said she would not go to live anywhere else because this is her home until David told her himself.

18 days after our move to Kenya, Christine delivered a beautiful, healthy baby girl she named, Rayana Jeptoo (8/8/19). Christine cared for Rayana her first month of life and now is back at high school for the last term of her senior year. God laid it on Ian’s mom’s heart to come to Grace family to help care for Rayana while Christine finishes high school (Ian is one of our eldest guys here in his junior year of high school)! What an answer to prayer! We call Ian’s mom-Kogo because she is a grandmother and she loves on Rayana like one of her own grandchildren. It has been a joy to have a newborn at home and to see God’s hand at work through all of this. We don’t know the full story of how the pregnancy happened but God has asked us to show grace, love, and mercy to Christine. God will reveal what the next steps are, in His timing.

Micah 6:8 “The Lord has shown you what is good. He has told you what He requires of you. You must act with justice. You must love to show mercy. And you must be humble as you live in the sight of your God.”

Mama Christine
Rayana Jeptoo 5.9lbs
As you can see, in Kenya, we keep babies very warm because of the climate of high altitude

Sharon, Christine, Mercy, Lily, Rayana

Lily loves caring for Rayana

Lucy and Rayana
Lily, Rayana and Mercy

Lucy, Rayana and Winnie K.

Christine, Lucy, Rayana and Lily

Please keep theses two in your prayers as they grow and adjust. 
God has good plans and a purpose for little Rayana.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Chains were broken in Jesus name. We have been going everywhere preaching the gospel!

Mark 16:15 says "He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

We love the pople of Pokot

Jesus loves little children!