Jambo, (“Hello” in Swahili)
I am excited to let you know that my family(Laurel,Lily,Levi and Lucy) and I will be serving on the 2019 Kenya Mission trip, leaving on July 26th. The mission trip is sponsored by Highlands Fellowship. This will be the second year of offering a Leadership Conference to 200 local participants. We will also be featuring a summer Bible-based Children’s Ministry program to over 300 children in the area of Kaptagat, Kenya. The team will be joining the leaders and community for an outreach project, including spiritual, educational and medical services in Pokot, Kenya.
We will be teaching the Purpose Driven curriculum and the P.E.A.C.E. Plan. This training enables ordinary people to attack the 5 Global Giants of Spiritual Emptiness, Corrupt Leadership, Poverty, Sickness and lack of Education.
As we share a passion for helping others and accomplishing God’s goals, it will be an honor for you to join me in these endeavors in the following ways:
- Offering Prayer for all tasks to be fully and safely completed, following God’s purpose.
- Offering our team encouragement.
- Offering tax-deductible financial support that will assist me and my family in reaching the $5000.00 cost by following these on-line steps:
1. Go to www.hf.church
2. Click Next Steps tab
3. Click Missions
4. Get details for Kenya 2019
5. Click Donate to a participant
6. Choose my name from the dropdown menu
7. Enter donation amount and your personal information
Thank you for your support!
Bees family
David,Laurel, Lily,Levi and Lucy