Saturday, September 7, 2013

Our little family outing!

We started out with a good lunch eating choma (barbequed goat) O so heavenly! (this was last Saturday)

Lily loves the intestines here! Whenever her Baba orders them she eats most of it!

They had a tv at the restaurant which is fun to watch especially when they have National Geographic on. :)

You eat the choma with tomatoes and onions and some Ugali!
After some good food our goal was to get Levi and Laurel's haircut. Levi's hair has not grown much since we cut it around his first birthday.
He was so good about it and sat so still.

Levi enjoyed seeing himself in the mirror.

He did not want to sit by himself so he was very content with me holding him.

Lily really did not need a haircut but she kept requesting for all her hair to be cut off like Levi's but I would not budge! I did not want all her beautiful curls gone! (love how she is posing!)

So we came to a common ground where she got a trim with a head shaver.

Happy to have a haircut.
I on the other hand was a little skeptical if anyone in Kenya knew how to cut Muzungu (white person) hair. We went around to a few different places and finally we were told of the only one in town that specializes with Muzungu hair!
I am enjoying my haircut and the layers they were able to do. Hoping that it grows back better because of all the stress that I had my hair was horrible.

 David was here the whole day with us but he was our camera man! He is the only one who did not get a haircut. He enjoyed seeing all of us get our hair chopped off!

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