Friday, November 15, 2013

A hike and some winks!

 Can I wink for you before we head for a hike?
I absolutely love to wink!
 This hike was Nov. 2 just never got around to posting these! Sorry!
Passing by Kugo's garden (David's dad)

 We had to hike down a large hill to get to the forest from Kugo and Kogo's house

Sheep graze everywhere... they are people's sheep but they let them graze in the forest and then they have to go find them all!

 I love the tall trees around! So fun to see how God created this forest!

Levi loves to be carried on my back.

Lily loves to carry her Donna baby on her back!

David made us some walking sticks that helped out a lot! He brought his machete with us to do just that and more!

Family pic with winking daughter!

Donna and Abbey!

Had to take a rest stop to refuel and eat some chips and bananas!

This series of pics reminds me of my little brother, Lolo who also loves to perform in front of a camera!

Funny banana boy!

Found the sunglasses in Mama's bag!

A very wide tall tree!

For some reaason Donna, Abbey or I always somehow match each day! Love this of the two strapped to our backs and having fun on our hike!

Levi fell asleep of course on the hike!

Time to hike back up that steep hill to Kogo and Kugo's!

Kogo's pussy

Time to refuel with some lunch!

Kogo's stove

Fun neighbor kids!

Sent them home with sweets!